A Global Initiative to Support the Study and Preservation of the Words of the Buddha
Tarthang Rinpoche holds a vision to create the conditions for a Tibetan Renaissance. In 2019 he initiated the Encyclopedia project, directed by his daughter Tsering Gellek. The Encyclopedia has received the spiritual guidance and blessings from preeminent lamas including, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, His Holiness Sakya Trizen, His Holiness Drikung Kagyu Rinpoche, His Eminence Thrangu Tulku, and His Eminence Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche.
To create the conditions for an “educational renaissance” in the endangered world of Tibetan-speakers, by providing the first reader-friendly and comprehensive overview of the Buddha’s teachings in an encyclopedia form.
Our efforts to summarize and make accessible the Buddha’s teachings in a both a printed and online format will help support the future of Dharma studies and practice globally. By combining traditional Buddhist content in modern applications, we will be able to provide educational materials for a wide-range of learners, including Tibetan nomads, monks and nuns, and lay people. The danger of losing the Tibetan language remains high and this work helps to preserve the Dharma and its benefits for alleviating causes of suffering.
Once we are finished composing the summaries of the sutras in Tibetan, we intend to translate them into modern languages such as English, Hindi, and Chinese, and make the contents available online for the world.
Next we will create an online resource of audio and visual files to aid in the study and contemplation of the words of the Buddha. In consultation with our advisory group, we have created a list of the top 25 sutras for the general public and have begun audio recordings which can be listened to and downloaded to help develop better reading skills.
Results to Date
Our goal for the first year 2019/20 was to complete the composition of 100 summaries out of 841 titles; we were able to complete close to 240 summaries. We intended to have approximately 20 writers contributing; we have 51 writers and researchers dedicated to this project. As a result of the enthusiastic response from the Tibetan Buddhist community in exile, we believe that we will be on track to finish the first phase of the project within three years.
Once the written summaries of the Kagyur are completed and compiled into an encyclopedia, additional research projects will continue on the development of curriculum materials and pedagogical tools to support Kagyur studies globally.
If you are interested in joining the encyclopedia project and have skills to share (Tibetan-English translation, software development, online course development, etc.), please contact the director, Tsering Gellek at
Kagyur Reading Audio Files
Stay tuned for the top twenty-five most popular and used sutras to be read by native Tibetans with clear and energetic voices!

A Global Initiative to Support the Study and Preservation of the Words of the Buddha
This project was initiated by Tarthang Rinpoche in 2019 and is directed by Tsering Gellek. It has received the spiritual guidance and blessings from preeminent lamas including, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, His Holiness Sakya Trizen, His Holiness Drikung Kagyu Rinpoche, His Eminence Thrangu Tulku and His Eminence Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche.
To create the conditions for an “educational renaissance” in the endangered world of Tibetan-speakers by providing the first reader-friendly and comprehensive overview of the Buddha’s teachings in an encyclopedia form.
Our efforts to summarize and make accessible the Buddha’s teachings in a both a printed and online format will help support the future of Dharma studies and practice globally. By combining traditional Buddhist content in modern applications, we will be able to provide educational materials for a wide-range of learners, including Tibetan nomads, monks and nuns, and lay people. The danger of losing the Tibetan language remains high and this work helps to preserve the Dharma and its benefits for alleviating causes of suffering.
Our second goal, once we are finished with composing the summaries of the sutras in Tibetan, is to translate it into modern languages such as English, Hindi, and Chinese and to make the contents available online for the world.
Our third goal is to create an online resource of audio and visual files to aid in the study and contemplation of the words of the Buddha. With consultation with our advisory group, we have created a list of the top 25 sutras for the general public and have begun audio recordings which can be listened to and downloaded to help develop better reading skills.
Results to Date
Our goal for the first year 2019/20 was to complete the composition of 100 summaries out of 841 titles. We were able to complete close to 240 summaries. We intended to have approximately 20 writers contributing but we have 51 writers and researchers dedicated to this project. As a result of the enthusiastic response from the Tibetan Buddhist community in exile, we believe that we will be on track to finish the first phase of the project within three years.
Once the written summaries of the Kagyur are completed and compiled into an encyclopedia, additional research projects will continue on the development of curriculum materials and pedagogical tools to support Kagyur studies globally.
Support If you are interested in joining the encyclopedia project and have skills to share (Tibetan-English translation, software development, online course development, etc.), please contact the director, Tsering Gellek at
Kagyur Reading Audio Files
Stay tuned for the top twenty-five most popular and used sutras to be read by native Tibetans with clear and energetic voices!
A Global Initiative to Support the Study and Preservation of the Words of the Buddha

This project was initiated by Tarthang Rinpoche in 2019 and is directed by Tsering Gellek. It has received the spiritual guidance and blessings from preeminent lamas including, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, His Holiness Sakya Trizen, His Holiness Drikung Kagyu Rinpoche, His Eminence Thrangu Tulku and His Eminence Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche.
To create the conditions for an “educational renaissance” in the endangered world of Tibetan-speakers by providing the first reader-friendly and comprehensive overview of the Buddha’s teachings in an encyclopedia form.
Our efforts to summarize and make accessible the Buddha’s teachings in a both a printed and online format will help support the future of Dharma studies and practice globally. By combining traditional Buddhist content in modern applications, we will be able to provide educational materials for a wide-range of learners, including Tibetan nomads, monks and nuns, and lay people. The danger of losing the Tibetan language remains high and this work helps to preserve the Dharma and its benefits for alleviating causes of suffering.
Our second goal, once we are finished with composing the summaries of the sutras in Tibetan, is to translate it into modern languages such as English, Hindi, and Chinese and to make the contents available online for the world.
Our third goal is to create an online resource of audio and visual files to aid in the study and contemplation of the words of the Buddha. With consultation with our advisory group, we have created a list of the top 25 sutras for the general public and have begun audio recordings which can be listened to and downloaded to help develop better reading skills.
Results to Date
Our goal for the first year 2019/20 was to complete the composition of 100 summaries out of 841 titles. We were able to complete close to 240 summaries. We intended to have approximately 20 writers contributing but we have 51 writers and researchers dedicated to this project. As a result of the enthusiastic response from the Tibetan Buddhist community in exile, we believe that we will be on track to finish the first phase of the project within three years.
Once the written summaries of the Kagyur are completed and compiled into an encyclopedia, additional research projects will continue on the development of curriculum materials and pedagogical tools to support Kagyur studies globally.
Support If you are interested in joining the encyclopedia project and have skills to share (Tibetan-English translation, software development, online course development, etc.), please contact the director, Tsering Gellek at
Kagyur Reading Audio Files
Stay tuned for the top twenty-five most popular and used sutras to be read by native Tibetans with clear and energetic voices!