Talk with Tsering Gellek and Leila Wilson:
Ananda Light Foundation
Works from 2002 to 2020
December 6, 2020
Dear Friends,
I have never done this before, but let’s see…
You are invited to an informal conversation on Zoom with my dear friend and poet Leila Wilson (who is not on social media) about our work with Ananda Light Foundation since 2002. When I returned from India in April this year, my father Tarthang Rinpoche, asked me to write a book about the last 18 years of my work in Asia. As usual he gave an accelerated deadline of completing it in say a “month or so”! And so I turned to it with my usual sense of both panic and joy and had the wonderful opportunity to look back at my life and work for these past few years. I am pleased to say it was completed on time and printed beautifully by Dharma Publishing.
The Ananda Light Foundation is one of Rinpoche’s creations that seeks to preserve the symbols and forms of the precious Dharma. Through his visions, I have been asked to work on some of the most challenging and rewarding work one could imagine. Along the way, I of course could not have done it without the help of many, many people. So since we can’t meet directly in person these days, I invite you to join us next Sunday, December 6, 10 am Pacific time, on Zoom, for a conversation about Dharma work, but also about getting up again and again, through laughter and tears…Rainbows I call them…Sunshine mixed with a bit of rain….and I hope you can join.
Topic: Talk with Tsering Gellek and Leila Wilson
Time: Dec 6, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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